Flight Simulator Training

  • For those first few experiences, then, it makes sense to train in a simulator.
  • Lots of Aircraft For Example:- Glider, Aerobatic and electric planes.
  • Safest Way to Learn.
  • Simulators give students the chance to learn and experiment with aircraft controls and flight methods from the safety of the ground. There are numerous steps to learn and maneuvers to practice. Doing that on the ground alleviates many risks.
  • One of the ways students benefit from simulators is simply for practice. They can get into the simulator and learn, gain confidence, and test out their navigational abilities. If that first solo is coming up, getting in the simulator to practice complete routes ahead of time can be an important strategy to improve your abilities.
  • Improve Proficiency.
  • Inhance Radio Skills(remote control).
  • Muscle Memory